Girl's Eyes on Smartphone

Invisible Girls

A Glitch in the Matrix

On Monday, September 1, 2020, I went to a dentist appointment in the afternoon. As I waited in the car, a group of teen boys and girls came to hang out in front of the dentist's office and play on their skateboards and scooters. I hadn't turned off the dashcam, so I could see them on the screen. My view extended from the door of the dentist's office to the corner of the building, so I could see all of the boys and girls on the screen.

After a while, the girls walked over to the icecream shop, then back to the dentist's office. That's when I noticed that I couldn't see them on the dashcam screen. They were standing between the dentist's door and the boys who were near the corner of the building. On the screen I could see the door on the left and the boys on the right, but the girls who were in the middle were not visible.

I moved the camera left and right, up and down, to make sure they weren't simply out of frame somehow. I covered the sides of the screen to make sure they weren't being obscured by glare. I viewed the screen with my sunglasses both on and off, and with my regular glasses both on and off. I checked each of my eyes individually to make sure I didn't have a problem with my eyesight. Everything checked out though. The girls, who I could see right in front of me, simply were not there on the screen.

Our dream minds can often have difficulty consistently rendering technology such as computer displays. So, this is exactly the kind of situation that requires a reality check. All of my reality checks passed, however. I definitely was not dreaming and I hadn't had any anesthesia or anything else that could affect my mental state.

I still have no explanation for why those two girls disappeared from the screen.

Interestingly though, there would be a full moon that night...