Boy Looks So Real

Last night I had a dream. I was in a large, dimly lit, nearly empty room. On the floor I saw a young girl, about 8 years old, with long blonde hair and a white dress. She was laying down on her stomach, playing with something or drawing in a book. After a few moments, she looked up at me. She was no longer a girl, but had changed to a boy with short, light brown hair.

This change made me realize that I was dreaming. I moved closer to the boy to investigate, knelt down infront of him, and brought my face close to his. He kept looking at me while I studied his face. The detail was amazing. His bright blue eyes glistened and had reflections. The shape of his eyes, his nose, his mouth, and his ears looked sculpted. The hairs on his head, each eyelash, each hair of his eyebrows was individually rendered and showed colour and light variations. The skin texture and skin tone were as if air-brushed by an artist.

In amazement, I exclaimed, "You look SO REAL!"

He grinned at me, but didn't say anything. He seemed pleased with himself, though. It was as if he had worked very hard at learning to present himself with such detail in someone's dreams, and was proud of his accomplishment. Not only was he able to create such detail, he learned to transform from one shape into another. Or, perhaps, to take over for another character that was already in the dream.

Next time I'll have to remember to ask him who he is. It'd be interesting to hear what his perception is of who he is or what he represents.